Five Questions With Bei Creative

Written by Belinda Hartwich
on 15 October, 2020

We can’t imagine a world without ceramics! The shapes, forms and function are instilled in our everyday, whether it’s a part of preparing a meal or enjoying foraged the season’s flower in a beautiful vase! It’s a tactile addition that brings endless joy to our lives! This year we have  been captivated by the handy work of Victorian ceramic artist Belinda of Bei Creative! We’ve been swooning over her playful & colourful hand crafted designs she’s been sharing, since joining Finders Keepers Online this year! Read on to discover what inspires her and be quick to snap up a thoughtful gift from this mindful maker! Click images to shop! 

Who is behind Bei Creative and how did you begin your business?

I’m Belinda, the solo owner, maker & designer. Bei Creative Studio was born out of a love of creating in many different mediums and an outlet (at the start) to be creative aside from my corporate job.  I have always had an interest in interiors, homewares (my cupboards can attest to this!) and colour combinations. 

I fell in love with the beauty of ceramics almost 6 years ago.  Fast forward a few years, I went through what I’m calling a midlife transformation and decided to jump headfirst into pursuing my passion for working with my hands and clay.

What does creativity mean to you?

Creativity means fun and freedom to me.  To express myself, share a piece of myself and energy in what I create.  I like to create things I would enjoy and use colours I love, I find when it comes from an authentic place, memory or feeling it’s going to be received well. 

What influences your work and what sparks your creativity?

Sometimes that act of slowing down and simply starting to create something without knowing what it’s going to look like can be insightful, with new ideas emerging.

I love being inspired by nature around me, colours, textures, and music.  I absolutely love a good sunrise, sunset and finding rainbows with my daughter.  Fresh air on a beach walk is always a great way to reset, gather my thoughts and quite often dream up new ideas with my feet in the sand.  During this year we have been so fortunate that we live near a beach.  

Sometimes that act of slowing down and simply starting to create something without knowing what it’s going to look like can be insightful, with new ideas emerging.

What are you loving at the moment and what are you currently working on? Do you have something new to share?

I’m loving listening to the new HAIM album, Women in Music Pt. III.  I remember hearing their song on the radio in the car, when I got home, I was on a mission to download it.  Its perfect studio music, I love making to this.

Currently in the studio I’m working on getting through orders, it’s coming up to Christmas and I can’t see myself having a day off anytime soon!  One of my favourite things to make now are vases, all unique, slightly different and glazing them in layers to get beautiful effects.  I also have a few new glaze colours that I’m working on, this always takes time and development.

Can you share your favorite handmade finds from Finders Keepers Online?

I’m absolutely loving the Finders Keepers online community, it’s full of amazing talent and quite frankly I’m feeling grateful to be among so many amazing makers and artists!  I recently found and purchased an organic tee from Doops Designs, the print is super colourful and I’m slightly obsessed with any eye design.  It’s going to be my go-to for summer.  I’ve been eyeing off as well, Sinead Buckney’s gorgeous lotus jewellery.

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