Featured Designer: Colour Hop

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FK chats to Sarah of wonderful  jewellery label, Colour Hop. Colour Hop is debuting at the upcoming Melbourne Markets.

Tell us a bit about Colour Hop and what products we can expect to discover?
Colour Hop’s label is all about the love of colour, texture, form & individuality.  It’s about making art that people can wear and about each piece being different – no 2 pieces of Colour Hop will ever be the same. I make ‘one of a kind’, unique jewellery pieces for individuals to fall in love with and wear!

What was the motivation behind starting your label?
After working as a graphic designer for the past 6 years, I was eager to create something that I love doing, creating a craft that can be shared with many people. I love illustration, printmaking & creating objects, and I wanted to make beautiful pieces of jewellery that could connect all these art forms together. I bought some polymer clay, started playing around… and here it is!

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How has your creative style developed over time? and what inspires your work?
My creative style develops constantly, with practice, making mistakes & propelled by inspiration. I am also very interested in patterns & textures as illustrations & how they can be symbolic, so my style has really revolved around this & developed more and more over time.

The natural environment around us inspires me everyday. I love looking at shape, colour, texture, patterns & forms of so many natural wonders. I love the seasons, and how they can influence us greatly; so the colour I create, is inspired by these. I explore parks, the sea side, the country, galleries, op shops, blogs (and the list goes on & on) for constant inspiration.

What is your workspace like? and what is your creative process?
I have a small desk I work mostly from, with many beautiful little objects around me, to give constant inspiration – like a table cloth from my recent trip to Iran,  a little globe of the world, sprigs & twigs found on walks, a picture of an amazing glacier I saw in a distant land, a screen print about the bottom of the earth & many little handmade vessels.
My creative process is usually begun with a lot of sketching, playing around with ideas, evolving them until I am happy with the final outcome. Constant playing around occurs!

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What challenges have you faced starting your own label, and what are some things you love about it?
Starting from scratch, and working a whole lot out by yourself. You are many different people when starting your own label, artist, bookkeeper, marketing manager, organiser, project manager, graphic designer – juggling all these aspects can be quite tricky, but it is also so amazing, learning something new each day.
I love most of all, the ability to have the opportunity to be making and creating. I am fulfilling my dream of creating pieces of art that people will love to wear! Art & design is something that makes me so completely happy, and when I am doing this – everything seems amazing.

What can we expect to see from Colour Hop at the upcoming Melbourne Markets?
A lot of colour & many new designs. I have recently been playing with new tones of more earthy & subtle colours, so you will see quite a few pieces of this at the markets. Also drop down earrings are an item I am working on at the moment – and they are evolving nicely.


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