We’re excited to be teaming up with our retail store Follow to offer a Christmas Hamper to one lucky winner at the Sydney Finders Keepers this weekend! Don’t forget the markets launch tomorrow night from 6pm – 10pm at Carriageworks, and then are on again Sunday 10am – 5pm. To get in the festive spirit, we’ve decided to do an awesome gift package of indie designer goodies!! All you have to do is head down to the Markets, sign up to the Follow mailing list form and then your name will go into the running for the prize! The Follow/Finders Keepers stall is the first one as you head in to Carriageworks, so look out for the hamper on display! We will be drawing the name out of a hat on Monday 10th December, the winner will be contacted to pick-up their goodies from the shop!
So what’s in the loot?? Here is what you could get!!
1. Kitty Came Home Clutch $55
2. Frankie Calender $29.95
3. Not Tuesday Necklace $70
4. Andrea Smith Tea Towel $25
5. Maya Muse Door Stop $49
6. Kanimbla Clay Salt & Pepper Dishes $25
7. Peppermint Magazine $10.95
8. Pannikin House Brooch $36
9. Naomi Murrell Art Print $55
Total Value: $355.90
If you’re already signed up to the Follow mailing list, you can still enter the competition at the markets – just make a note on your entry and we’ll still be able to put you in the competition (but won’t enter your email into the database twice!) Sorry to all our interstate fans, this is unfortunately just a competition we are running at the Sydney event this year!
I don’t have a website, but would like to enter the comp! Love finders keepers!
Amber 0402148449
I love all the goodies here, so lovely! Particularly the print! Gorgeous!
Cannot wait to buy lots of lovely items for Christmas presents and shop displays
The lucky winner was Caitlin Williams! Thanks to everyone who came down and entered the comp! http://instagram.com/p/TDDA4fR2hT/