image features range b – handmade and designed by Anyway Artisans
The gorgeous Natalie from Corner Block Studio and Kirralee of Kirralee & Co have joined forces to create Anyway Artisans. The collective features a band of makers and designers who have met at the crosspoints of shared beliefs, processes and aesthetics. Read on to discover more and catch Anyway Artisans at our Brisbane market this weekend!
Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to begin your label.
After first meeting on social media, thanks to a mutual delight in each other’s items, Natalie and Kirralee met in person for a product swap and loads of coffee.
We clearly hit it off and through discovering we had many intersections of beliefs and interests we considered the idea of sharing market stalls. Following numerous positive comments about the collaboration we began forming a plan to not only join together but to create an umbrella for other likeminded makers.

image features hanging vase and book frame – handmade and designed by Anyway Artisans

image features Kirralee in the workshop
Who inspires you and your creative process?
We are all driven by meeting the needs of others and finding creative solutions to do so. We see the challenge of making daily life more sustainable and encouraging thoughtful purchasing and much of our work is made from answering some of these matters.
Tell us something exciting that you have planned for Anyway Artisans for the next 12 months.
We’re really excited to be welcoming some new products and makers in the next 12 months. We are also working out how we, as a group, can help other creatives succeed in their fields as we have discovered this is a passion for all of us.

image features record frame and unrelenting print – handmade and designed by Anyway Artisans

image features best friend vase – handmade and designed by Anyway Artisans
Name one resource that your label could not live without.
Hands down it would have to be each other. Being a creative entrepreneur can be tricky and lonely at times. We love being able to have a quick chat about ideas and we support each other in any way we can. Having said that, whenever we do meet there’s always an abundance of cheese so maybe cheese is the answer!
Tell us about your favourite product from your collection.
We really love the Best Friends vase as we feel it reflects who we are as a collective, both in form and function. It is a simple design but has many applications and we hope that our pieces, like this one, can evolve with time and place.

image features range a – handmade and designed by Anyway Artisans