Five Questions With Harthorne


Image features fabric and wood necklaces – handmade and designed by Harthorne

Having made her market debut in Melbourne in 2015, Monica Harthorne, will be hosting a stall featuring her eponymous jewellery label at our Brisbane market this weekend.  Read on to discover more! 

Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to begin your label
Harthorne was started with the intent to create a friendly and optimistic design label filled with colour and light.  A happy feeling label.  I have a fashion design background that helps me to create original pieces that are fresh and different in their approach.


Image features 3 Piece – Wood and Fabric Necklace – handmade and designed by Harthorne


What would be one piece of advice you would give a first time seller at The Finders Keepers?
Start preparing for the Finders Keepers as soon as you are confirmed for the event.  Time will get away from you quickly.  Even though the date seems far away, it is amazing how many details you have to plan for and how long each one of them takes to get done.  However long you think it will take to prepare…. multiply that by four!

Tell us something exciting that you have planned for Harthorne this year.
There will be a new product launched into the range for this market and I’ll be working hard on expanding the range of Harthorne delights.


Image features 3 Piece – Wood and Fabric Necklace – handmade and designed by Harthorne


Image features necklace detail and Adjustable Cuff Bangle, Wood & Fabric – handmade and designed by Harthorne

Name one resource that your label could not live without.
Well obviously fabric and wood.  I won’t be getting far without those two friendly friends.  I use them in all my designs, as I love them equally. (Oh, and peppermint tea!)

Tell us about your favourite product from your collection.
The cylinder necklaces are always a favourite.  I’m having a bit of a red and pink crush at the moment, so anything with those colours makes me happy.


Image feature fabrics and work in progress – by Harthorne

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