FK chats to Maryann, about her love of weaving and how she expresses it with her label, Maryann Talia Pau. Make sure you check out Maryann’s project, 1 Million Stars to End Violence and you could get your weave on to.
Tell us about your label Maryann Talia Pau and what the concept is behind it?
My work is pretty much reflective of what I treasure and what I admire. This includes my island home, Samoa and the kind of person I try to be – compassionate, free and brave…. I love to make with my hands, it’s in my blood and it helps make me whole.
What is your creative background and how did it lead you to where you are today?
I am mainly self taught. I didn’t go to art school, in fact I was discouraged from pursuing art in high school which is a bit sad, but a couple of turning points happened in my life 7 years ago which led me to discover weaving with a vengeance! In a way, weaving saved my life and I really believe art and weaving is my calling and purpose.
What inspires your work and what keeps you motivated creatively?
Everything inspires me – people, my family, the ocean, travel, food, veggie patches, good times, and some sad scary times as well. I’m that kind of person that feels very privileged to be alive and living in Australia. That’s enough to keep me motivated to do what I need to do – for my family, for my community and for humanity.
What is your workspace like and what is your creative process?
At the moment, my workspace is at the end of our study table (we recently moved into our new home in Brisbane from Melbourne) with all my materials still in boxes. I’ll be here until I can find a studio space to work from. The energy is different here in Brisbane, compared to Melbourne, but I am loving being here. It’s a new adventure and I am excited about what I can make in my new environment.
What do you love about weaving? What are some of the challenges?
Weaving feels so natural for me. I describe it as a head, heart and hand conversation. It just works for me. It’s helped me to connect with my mob and other creative peoples who value the story and origins of things. Weaving offers a great process for enquiry. I don’t know all the answers about Samoan, Pasifika or weaving culture but it’s given me confidence to explore and encourage others to find out as well. The challenge to date has been that my hands can’t make fast enough! I have hundreds of designs that I have yet to make real!
What can we expect to see from Maryann Talia Pau at the upcoming Brisbane Markets?
I’m working on some new woven earring designs and a few woven cube necklaces, which I’ve been wanted to make for ages. I’ll also have some star weaving kits for sale for my project, 1 Million Stars to End Violence. The stars are fun to make and they’ll be added to the installation in Melbourne at the end of the year. This will be my first market in Brisbane so I hope to offer a few things that they haven’t seen before.
Hello my Iknewit daughter, just letting you know that I am now living and working in your hood. I just started as the museum curator for the Logan city council’s Living Museum (Kingston Butter Factory) but currently based at the library. Would love to catch up if you have time. Love, Aunty mama (Sana)