FK chats to Brooke and Danni from their fashion label, Tickets for CoCo
Can you introduce us to your lovely label, Tickets for CoCo and where the name originates from?
Tickets for CoCo is a culmination of all that we love, its about clothing thats feminine and easy to wear with an edgy undertone. Like us, its a little left of field and always fun. As for the name, we both love the ethos behind fashion legend CoCo Chanel who said “fashion fades, only style remains the same” and fundamentally that is what we wanted our label to be about. Style rather than fashion so we started with that. The tickets part represents all that is fun and adventurous; tickets to the matinee, tickets to the show, tickets for a trip, a ticket takes you places and the journey is always different.
What do you love about working with fabrics?
All our pieces are made by a team of skilled tailors from a luxurious cotton/silk blend. Each piece is hand dyed from eco friendly dyes and are really easy care. There is no limit on our designs and beautiful fabric leads itself to so many things. Its only time that keeps a lid on how much we create.
What is your background and what lead you into fashion?
We have absolutely no background in fashion and certainly no formal training; we are as raw as they come. I was a teacher and Danni a Nanny so no parallels there! We are also both mummies with 5 sons between us, so not much fashion going on there either! As cliche as it sounds, it was a heart felt decision to go into fashion an we didn’t want to have regrets about not doing something we really loved. We thought we would dip our toes in and see what happens and here we are a year later literally swimming in the deep end! (and just quietly pinching ourselves that we are here)
Where do you go to find inspiration?
We are very focussed on looking ahead not sideways so all our inspiration comes from what’s in front of us, the fabric we are working with, body shapes of our clients and our own, colours we see and places we go.
What do you love about your surroundings and how does this influence your label?
Okay, truth here is my surroundings aren’t particularly inspiring! Working from home amongst homework, ironing, toy trains and vegemite crusts isn’t exactly ideal. I often need to go ‘to my special place’, (that city based, window surrounded, personal assistant manned, air conditioned, cleaned by cleaner, work room in my mind) and take a deep breath but at this stage of the game working from our rumpus room works! I find it doesn’t influence the label.
What plans do you have for this year?
We plan on getting through day by day and see where our little journey takes us. And we plan on having a great Finders Keepers market!
Thanks for the feature – we can’t wait for the market! X