This week we welcome back Rowan Sivyer, A.K.A. Little Rowan Redhead, printmaker, painter, and compulsive maker! Rowan is Kiwi-born and Sydney-made, her art embodies the antipodean attitude – colourful, inspired by nature, and good-humored! Get ready to be inspired by Rowan’s wonderful ways and see her work in person this weekend at Finders Keepers Sydney May 7-9. Look out for lots of lino-printing, incorporating more layers and more colours and a new range of botanical stamps that you can take home and try for yourself!
Can’t make it to Sydney this weekend? No worries you can shop Little Rowan Redhead 24/7 on Finders Keepers Marketplace.
After a year away from Finders Keepers what are you most looking forward to this May?
Real live people! On the one hand, I get to see my market buddies. The maker’s community is a small one and it is always lovely to hang out with people who just get you. On the other hand, I will be interacting with customers face to face. It is such a buzz to talk art and process with people, whether they are new to my art or returning customers. Online interactions are great but nothing beats those one-on-one connections.

What can shoppers expect from your stall? Have you been working on something new or special that’s not to be missed?
Lots of colour! I have spent more time in the last year taking more risks and being braver with my linoprinting, incorporating more layers and more colours. I also have a new range of botanical stamps that will appeal to people who enjoy making themselves.
What do you love about Sydney and what other Makers are you looking forward to visiting at Finders Keepers?
Sydney is such a great town – there really is something for everyone here. I live in the Inner West and I love how vibrant and diverse our community is.
I love a statement earring so I am looking forward to seeing what makers like Heidi Helyard, Wild July and Liz Lau Studio will be offering. I might have to treat myself to something from Ruby Raisin and I am looking forward to catching up with Kurly from Kurly Wurly and the fabulous ladies from Outer Island.
What inspires you and what’s your creative process?
I get inspired by a walk around the block. I love seeing the various native flowers in people’s gardens or in our local park. Certain colour palettes also get me excited.
With regards to my creative process, I am going to admit that I can be a bit haphazard. I have a habit of dropping everything when an idea takes me, even when I have lots of other stuff on my plate. If I am feeling blocked or stuck, the best thing for me to do is tidy my studio. By the time my desk is clear, I am generally itching to make something. When I am in full flight though, my studio looks like a bomb has gone off in it!

Can you share a highlight or moment you’re most proud of being an Artist and running your own business?
There is so much hard work that goes into running a small business but knowing that you are inspiring others makes it worth it.
I pride myself on being a creative enabler and being generous with my time and knowledge. One of my favourite customers was a 12 year old girl who chatted with me for ages about how much she loves to make and draw before she bought some stamps and a print that was inspiring to her. She went straight home and used the stamps to make cards and sent me a photo of them. It made my day! There is so much hard work that goes into running a small business but knowing that you are inspiring others makes it worth it.
Connect with Little Rowan Redhead: