Image Features bath salts – handmade by Raw.Suds
We are super excited to have raw.suds at our Sydney market for the very first time in April. The label was founded two years ago by Mish after some encouraging words from her daughter. Her leap paid off, as raw.suds very quickly went from something Mish made only for friends and family to a brand that is stocked all over Australia.
With all natural essential cold pressed oils and packaging that is recycled where ever possible, we’re glad that Australia loves raw.suds as much as Mish’s family does. Check out the full collection of bath salts and other delicious body products at our Sydney market, or shop online right now.

Image features Winter Blues Bath Salts handmade by Raw.Suds

Image Features handful of bath salts handmade by Raw.Suds

Image features Autumn Blend Bath Salts handmade by Raw.Suds