Featured Product: Christmas Card Collection by Parchment & Twine


image features Peace on earth greeting card by – Parchment & Twine

There’s no denying it.  Christmas is literally around the corner.  So while you’re busy crossing gifts of your list, be sure to remember those finishing touches!  Lucky for you, Parchment & Twine have got you covered with their sweet watercolour Christmas collection of cards.

You can feel good about supporting a small, family owned and run business, and enjoy something a little different to the run-of-the-mill cards you might ordinarily find.  You’ll be able to visit the Parchment & Twine stall in our debut section at our Sydney market this Friday.  We suggest grabbing a few extra cards for any last minute, unexpected Christmas visitors!


Image features water colour christmas greeting cards – by parchment & Twine


Image features A Thrill of Hope christmas greeting card – by parchment & Twine

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