March 2012 Gift Guide: Textiles

Our March Gift Guide is here! This month we’re returning to one of our favourites, all things textiles. We asked new guest contributors, who are all amazing textile/fashion designers, to share their top 6 favourite indie design & art online picks from both Australia and around the world. Enjoy!

Sarah from The Finders Keepers shares her top 6 indie picks:

1. Totem Collection Cloud Shaped Cushion by Harvest Textiles
2. Door Stop Red/Natural by Maya Muse Textiles
3. Housework Sucks Tea Towel – Magenta by Materialistic
4. Perfect Day Wall Banner by Pony Rider
5. Pirate & Sea Creatures Onesie in Leon Blue by Inklet
6. Girl in Flowers by Beneath the Sun

Tegan from Ink & Spindle shares her top 6 indie picks:

1. Abstract Blue Printed Watercolour Pendant by Goldenink
2. Verano Petals by Yardage Design
3. Large cushion in Graphic by Nancybird
4.  Elka Storm by Pippijoe
5. Steel Silk/cotton Scarf by States of Nature
6. Peacock Garden by Kirsten Doran Design

Shannon from Aunty Cookie shares her top 6 indie picks:

1. Tweeter by Printink
2. Quill by Maze & Vale
3. Home, Sweet Home by AuntyCookie
4. Eyechart Cushion by Aunty Cookie
5. Winters Nest by Kristen Doran
6. Bellbirds by MelBomba

Melinda from Roger + Peach shares her top 6 indie picks:

1. Grey Cloud Mobile by Made by Mosey
2. Organic Cushion by Bird Textiles
3. Kokeshi Doll Embroidery by Kristen Doran
4. Vintage Ice Coupon Market by Yardage Design
5. Babushka Duffel Bag by Page 33
6. Domestically Challenged Tea Towel by Materialistic

Nadia from Tinker By Printink Studio shares her top 6 indie picks:

1. Winter Tree Towel by Our Workshop
2. Scooting Pig Tea Towel by Ham
3. Walk The Line Cushion by Charlene Mullen
4. Meaty Pillowcase Set by Dawn Tan
5. Stripes Green by Sunday Ganim
6. Owl And Pussycat Cushion by Donna Wilson


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