Blog Crush: Daydream Lily

FK Guest Contributor Jade Suine chats to Liss Winnel creator of fanciful blog, Daydream Lily

Tell us a little about your blog and why you started it?
My blog is a bit of a mash-up of lots of different creative areas; photography, art, interiors, fashion and generally things that I’m discovering and loving at the time.
I started my blog as a place I could be creative and express that girly side of myself. I don’t come into contact with too many creative types in my chosen career so Daydream Lily helps me connect with that creative community who understands the part of me that likes to walk around with a Diana Mini, wear bows in her hair and who gets excited over op-shop finds.

What do you love most about blogging?
When I started blogging I could never have imagined how much I would love it! I started not really knowing what to expect. Some of the highlights are:
Meeting amazing people who have become such good friends! I have made friends and come in contact with people through the blog that I never would have otherwise. I feel so grateful for that.
Having a place that is completely my own, a space in the world that is all mine where I can collect everything I love.
Helping people. I love that blogging gives you the opportunity to help share people’s work with the world.
Do you receive feedback from the people whose work you feature and what are their reactions?
Often I will get an email or tweet saying thank you and it always feels nice to know I’ve been able to help show and share their work with others.

How do you keep your blog fresh?
Is it fresh? Sometimes I worry it isn’t. I just try my best to make it beautiful and me. I’ve learnt that when you find something you absolutely love, post it straight away! Blogging has changed a lot since I started. I get more email submissions now so that helps me find new things. Otherwise, I have lots of accounts about the place and lots of bookmarks.

Do you have any tips or hints about successfully running your own blog that you would like to share?
I have lots of hints and tips but the few main ones would be:
– Credit and source images correctly, (no weheartit or ffffound).
– Be yourself! The best thing about blogging is getting to express and share yourself. This is also part of what makes some of the best blogs successful.
– Make it easy for people to find how to subscribe to your blog. Also add facebook “like” and tweet buttons for readers to easily share your posts.

Is there a pattern in your posting habits?
It depends; sometimes when I’m feeling super inspired I will blog daily or even twice a day. Other times I will only blog a few times a week. So, as much as I try to be a daily blogger it doesn’t always turn out that way! I don’t like to schedule posts because I’ve always wanted my blog to be a bit of a journal and snapshot of where I am at the time, what I’m liking, feeling, doing and listening to.

How does blogging slot into your everyday, real life?
I don’t think I even have to slot it in anymore. It has kind of become a part of my real life just as much as someone would come home and cook a meal. I come home and write a blog post. The hardest part to keep up with is not the blogging itself but the extra things that come with it such as email, social media, side projects and collaborations.

What are your top 5 favourite blogs and why?
Gosh I always find it hard to mention only a few favourites because I read a huge amount of blogs. I get a lot of inspiration from blogs and my favourites are ones that have a unique style that represents the blogger as well as being regularly updated with fresh finds and/or happenings from their life.

My top 5 Australian/NZ blogs are:
Here Comes The Sun
Hello Sandwich
See Hear Say
The Design Files
Gary Pepper Vintage

All images above taken from Daydream Lily


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