Featured Designer: Meet Tyrone

Bill Chen from Meet Tyrone shares some Q&A’s with Finders Keepers

Explain the story behind the ‘Meet Tyrone’ name?
It was a unique and quirky inspiration from a pet named Tyrone.

How long has Meet Tyrone been around for, and what made you start?
Meet Tyrone has been around since late 2002. It first started as an attempt to bring my graphic art to larger audience.

Where do you find your inspiration for Meet Tyrone?
Most of my inspirations came from films and music. For example, ‘Frolic with Musos and Fairy Folk’ was inspired by indie music. ‘Murder Mystery’ range was from watching too much horror films and ‘Back to the future’ was inspired by the classic film of the same title.

What has been your biggest hurdles with your label?
The biggest hurdles are probably trying to find a good sales agent plus chasing money from stores.

What are you working on now and what is up and coming for Meet Tyrone?
I’m currently working on some art pieces, inspired by classic sculptures and old prints, with a twist of computer generated 3D elements. Up and coming for Meet Tyrone would be our latest collection ‘The Inkblot Test’. They’ll be available anytime soon!

What would be your tips for other people wanting to start a label?
I think start small. Make unique pieces to get noticed. People always remember the unique pieces! Have fun, enjoy it, and don’t give up!


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