FK chats to Jac of one-of-a-kind, sustainable jewellery label Furrow South based on the South Coast of Sydney.
Tell us a bit about Furrow South and what we can expect to discover?
Furrow South is about sustainable design, individuality and making a statement. Furrow South started from the discovery of beautiful timber that was being overlooked and disposed of or burnt off into nothing. It’s amazing what potential random pieces of timber can have or be transformed into to have, a second chance at life and to be appreciated by another. The beauty of our concept is that it is ever changing and evolving depending on what different types of timber come our way. We can adapt and change our designs depending on the the timber and which way it lends itself to go.
What is your creative background and how did it lead you to where you are today?
I completed a Bachelor of Industrial Design but have spent most of my time working as a Graphic Designer. I also have a little Graphic Design studio with another designer so I split my time between the design studio, Furrow South and also lecturing design at a design college. I have always worked within the creative/design industry but despite working within a creative field I felt I needed a personal creative outlet. I feel as a creative you need a place where you can design for yourself and not to a specific budget-driven brief, hence how Furrow South was born.
How has your creative style developed over time? and what inspires your work?
In the past the work I designed was more for the marketplace and what people requested me to create. For Furrow South my focus changed a little to create the pieces with inspirations and that I personally appreciate and feel this is reflected in the style of Furrow Souths pieces. As Furrows are one of a kind items they are much more personal and far less commercial feeling that some of the other work I have done in the past.
What is your workspace like? and what is your creative process?
The beauty of how we make our Furrows is that we can set up making process anywhere there is a flat surface and a nice light. Most of the pieces are created in the the design studio but we have a great rooftop terrace so we tend to migrate there and spread out in the sun with some nice tunes playing while creating each Furrow. I find it quite therapeutic making the Furrows as it takes me away from my usual spot in front of the computer screen where my other business tend to keep me.
What do you love about working with recycled timber? And what are some of the challenges?
As each Furrow is made from recycled timber, we are constantly on the lookout for new locations to ‘save’ lovely timber from going into landfill. We source our timbers from various locations from building sites to timber yards to second hand shops. The best thing about working with recycled timber is you never know what you are going to find. We allow this randomness to help influence the shape and colours we use when working with the timber to create each Furrow.
What new projects are you working on and where would you like to see Furrow South in the future?
We are looking at a few exiting new directions for Furrow South. We are in the process of developing some more sculptural and wall pieces to include in the range. We have also been experimenting with interlocking and connecting shapes to build on our current shapes and forms to create a new look for a new range. Furrow South is very much a love project so there are no plans to push it, instead let it form and take its own shape in whatever direction that may be 🙂